Etched Plaques and Employee Self-Esteem – Raising Morale with Beautifully Crafted Plaques

It is a known fact that when employees have low self esteem, productivity and the quality of their work suffer. Boosting the morale of employees can actually help them become productive, and rewarding hard working personnel can make them feel that their efforts are being acknowledged, which will result in consistently good work. Not only that, people who find that the companies they work for do recognize their efforts often become loyal, achieving employees.

Some companies find that having a recognition ceremony every now and then helps keep employee morale high. It also helps make employees strive harder in order to bag one of the awards that are given out during these ceremonies. How often you have such awarding and recognition events depends upon you, however it has been noted that a quarterly recognition event seems to be highly effective in keeping people better motivated to do their best at work.

When you hold these awarding ceremonies, while employees do appreciate a small bonus for their efforts, a small token of appreciation like etched plaques or certificates of recognition is seen as a better alternative to a cash incentive. Cash incentives may be greatly appreciated by your key employees, but after a while, people who constantly receive such a reward may just expect more and more money every time they do something right for the company. Aside from that, cash incentives only lead to bigger expectations of bigger bonuses, which can be a double edged blade for your business.

Having etched plaques crafted specifically for each employee who achieves great things for your company not only acknowledges the good they have done for your business. It also serves as a reminder to them (and to others as well) that good deeds do not go unrewarded or unnoticed. It is also a constant beacon that tells everyone that the person achieved something for themselves and for your company, giving their self-esteem a boost every time they see such an award.

Recognizing a person for their exemplary performance and doing so by rewarding them with a specially crafted etched plaque with their name on it will not only make that person want to continue to strive, but will also motivate others to follow in that person’s footsteps. This kind of positive reinforcement serves to not only boost self esteem and improve performance. It also helps keep people happy with themselves and their jobs, making people more loyal to your company and giving them the added drive to making it succeed.